Ware Night In: America's Hidden Duopoly


We all know our political system is “broken” — but what if that’s not true? Some say the Republicans and Democrats constitute a wildly successful industry that has colluded to kill off competition, stifle reform, and drive the country apart. So what are you going to do about it?

In this week’s “Ware Night In,” join your GAs and RAs for a post-election chat through a group circle discussion, modified speed friending, and podcast review.  



From 8:00-8:30PM, we will have a circle discussion about our feelings from the recent election.

From 8:30-9:00PM, we will have a round of “speed friending” that will be more philosophically and interpersonally themed.  

From 9:00PM-9:30PM, we will listen to NPR’s freakonomics episode on “America’s Hidden Duopoly.” (https://freakonomics.com/podcast/politics-industry/) However, it will be preferable to listen to the episode yourself ahead of time.

From 9:30PM-10PM, we will have an open discussion about the episode.


Friday November 13th, 2020 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM