Ware College House strives to always provide maximum service to the residents of the House. This includes making space available to outside groups for collections and charity fundraisers. We ask that groups who wish to place a collection box in our lobby adhere to the following policies below:
- You must receive permission from the House Director at least 2 weeks prior to the collection.
- Charity Drives and collection boxes are reviewed on a first-come, first serve basis and are subject to approval by a House administrator.
- Collection boxes must be clearly labeled and be large enough to hold the items requested, but not so big as to create a blockage in the mailroom.
- Only one collection/charity event may take place in Ware at a time.
- Ware reserves the right to cancel or deny a collection box/charity request at any time.
- Collections may last no longer that 2 weeks but may be approved for shorter times than two weeks.
- Collection boxes must be emptied daily. Collection Boxes may be put only in the mailroom.