Conversations With Interesting People: Utsav Schurmans


Since we can't serve you dinner, this fall's Dinners With Interesting People (DWIP) will be re-named "Conversations With Interesting People" (CWIP), and will take place on Zoom. One advantage of this mode is that we'll be able to invite Interesting People from all over the world. 


At 8:00pm ET on Thursday 10/22, Conversations With Interesting People (CWIP) will feature Utsav Schurmans, Director of the Research and Scholars Programs at Wharton. The focus will be on undergraduate research opportunities during the pandemic, not only at Wharton but across the University and beyond.


You can join the conversation at


A few years ago, Utsav and I co-taught a First Year Seminar on "The Landscape of Research and Innovation at Penn", in which we worked with students to develop individual plans "covering the acquisition of needed knowledge and skills, the development of personal and social connections, and the exploration of on- and off-campus research opportunities." On Thursday we'll try to provide the essence of this experience in just an hour or two :-)...


Although on-campus jobs are not available this semester, and may be limited in the spring as well, there are many research projects involving tasks that can be performed remotely. We'll discuss some of these, and suggest ways to find more.


   Best wishes,


    Mark Liberman






Thursday October 22nd, 2020 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM