Conversations With Interesting People:Brendan O'Leary


Since we can't serve you dinner, this fall's Dinners With Interesting People (DWIP) will be re-named "Conversations With Interesting People" (CWIP), and will take place on Zoom. One advantage of this mode is that we'll be able to invite Interesting People from all over the world. 


At 8:00pm EDT on Thursday, October 8, Conversations With Interesting People (CWIP) will feature Brendan O'Leary, Lauder Professor of Political Science at Penn:


The most recent of his 28 books is the three-volume Treatise on Northern Ireland, which recently won the James S. Donnelly Sr Prize for the best book in History and Social Science of the American Conference on Irish Studies.


An expert on multinational societies, federalism, and power-sharing, Brendan has helped to design power-sharing arrangements in many places around the world, including Northern Ireland, South Africa, Nepal, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan, and Iraq. He is currently researching the UK's secession from the EU, and possible models of Irish re-unification.


Join the discussion at Meeting ID: 995 1003 7460 Passcode: 955252


See you there then!


Mark Liberman



Thursday October 8th, 2020 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM