Art + Activism with Boots Riley


Join Ware in attending "REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION": A Public Conversation on Art, Activism, and Organizing with Boots Riley. 

The provocative and prolific poet, rapper, songwriter, producer, screenwriter, director, community organizer, and public speaker Boots Riley will talk about his film, Sorry to Bother You (2018), a comedy fantasy sci-fi film that raises issues of race, labor, and social movements. Fervently dedicated to social change, Riley was deeply involved with the Occupy Oakland movement. He was one of the leaders of the activist group The Young Comrades. He is the lead vocalist of The Coup and Street Sweeper Social Club, and he is the author of the critically acclaimed Tell Homeland Security—We Are the Bomb.

We will leave the Upper Quad Gate at 5:30pm to walk over to the Lightbox Film Center and attend the talk. A light reception will be provided in the lobby. Available seats are first come first serve, so make sure you meet at UQG in time so we can claim spots! 


Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM